Detention / Bond Hearing

Helping immigrant detainees obtain reduced bond requirements
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detention/bond hearing Attorney In Denver, Colorado

What Are Detention and Bond Hearings?

If you or a loved one has entered the United States outside the bounds of U.S. immigration law, it is important to understand that you may face detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Following the issuance of a Notice to Appear (NTA), ICE will evaluate the situation and determine whether to release the individual on their own recognizance or to place them in detention, possibly requiring a bond for their release. It's worth noting that these bonds must be paid in full, which can create significant financial hardship for many detainees and their families. As a result, this often leaves the individual in custody for an extended period while they await the completion of the deportation process.

If you or a family member finds themselves in detention, grappling with an unaffordable bond or having been denied bond entirely, you may have the opportunity to qualify for a bond hearing. In these critical situations, retaining an experienced immigration attorney becomes essential for improving your chances of securing a release. At Michael Kenny Immigration Attorney in Denver, Colorado, we understand the complexities of immigration law and are dedicated to helping you navigate this challenging landscape. Contact us today to explore your options, receive guidance, and secure the representation you need to advocate for your rights and freedom.

Call Law Office of Michael P. Kenny at 303-590-3665 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

What Qualifies a Detainee for a Bond Hearing?

If you have no criminal background and qualify for relief from removal proceedings, you may be eligible for a reduced bond amount for your release. Immigration judges consider factors such as your family ties in the U.S., connections to your community, employment history, ability to pay a reduced bond, and risk of flight when determining bond amounts.

Having an experienced immigration attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your detention or bond hearing. At Michael Kenny Immigration Attorney in Denver, Colorado, our compassionate legal team is here to advocate for your release. Contact us today to discuss your options and get the representation you need.

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What Happens During a Detention and Bond Hearing?

To request a bond redetermination, your attorney will file a motion with the court, and a bond hearing will be scheduled. Typically, the judge, your attorney, and the opposing counsel will attend in person, while you or your loved one will participate via video conferencing. If you need language assistance, the court will provide an interpreter to ensure you can fully understand the proceedings.

During the hearing, the judge will review the evidence to decide if you qualify for a bond reduction that could lead to your release. Having an experienced immigration attorney by your side is crucial to presenting the strongest case possible. At Michael Kenny Immigration Attorney in Denver, Colorado, we’re here to fight for your freedom. Contact us today to get started.

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Have Questions?

Call Law Office of Michael P. Kenny at 303-590-3665  today or

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